
Venymä- / Puristusvoima-anturi

Malli Otsikko Tunnus
F2220 Miniature tension/compression load for small measuring ranges from 1.5 N FO 51.16
F2221 Miniature tension/compression force transducer for small measuring ranges from 10 N FO 51.26
F2222 Tension/compression force transducer for material testing up to 2,200 kN FO 51.29
F2226 Tension/compression force transducer with external thread up to 3,300 kN FO 51.51
F2229 Tension/compression force transducer up to 890 kN FO 51.52
F2301, F23C1, F23S1 Tension/compression force transducer with thin-film technology up to 500 kN FO 51.17
F2303 Tension/compression force transducer with thin film technology an swivel head up to 45 kN FO 51.46
F2304 Tension/compression force transducer with thin-film technology up to 50 kN FO 51.47
F2802 Tension/compression force transducer, S-type up to 50 kN FO 51.48
F2808 Miniature tension/compression force transducer to 2,000 N FO 51.68
F2812 Tension/compression force transducer to 1,000 N FO 51.49
F2822 Tension/compression force transducer for material testing up to 500 kN FO 51.50
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