

Malli Otsikko Tunnus
F9204 Wire rope force transducer up to 40 t FO 51.25
F9205 Twistlock sensor up to 25 t FO 54.12
F9302 Strain transducer up to 1,000 μe FO 54.10
F9304, F93C4 Wire rope force transducer with integrated amplifier up to 30 t FO 54.14
F9846 Strain transducer, standard to 1,000 με FO 54.17
FRKPS Chain hoist test set for friction clutch testing up to 3,500 kg FO 51.69
FSK01 Test set for measurement of electrode forces for 10 kN, 20 kN welding tongs FO 54.15
TWLMS Twistlock sensor system up to 25 t FO 54.16
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